Creole Futurism |SP_20
Images from the project were featured in an article by Meredith Tenhoor in Yale University’s School of Architecture journal: Perspecta 53
In the State of Louisiana, the stretch of the Mississippi between Baton Rouge and New Orleans is known as Cancer Alley. Throughout Cancer Alley, residents within a one-mile radius of factories are subjected to severe air and water pollution. As a result of this, the industrial corridor of Louisiana has one of the highest cancer rates in the country and has impacted citizens over several years.
The Project as a whole responds to the unjust setting in which many small towns in Louisiana currently reside in. 
In this speculative future for a green new world, the project starts with a fictional class action lawsuit in which petrochemical corporations respond to ‘Cancer Alley’ by funding a program that facilitates social and environmental rehabilitation. This ultimately leads to the establishment of a company  known as Pax Opus. Their main focus is to create company town models known as “Sectors”.
The latter half of the project was designed to represent a set of documentary stills, where a film crew decides to document the experiences of the residents of the established company town
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